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More money to employ and train staff !!

11 Apr 2021 | HR, Human Resource Management, Learning and Development, Recruitment


There is confidence in the business community as we move into the second quarter of 2021.  After a year of subdued and cautious recruitment and staff management, many companies have found the need to increase their headcount.  It is also becoming necessary to re-skill the workforce to meet the new business environment.    

The States and Federal government have a variety of schemes in place to support and encourage job growth.  Understanding what is available could benefit your business. 

We  dug around to uncover some of the “job growth” support available.

Commonwealth Support

While the direct subsidies to support the workforce (JobKeeper) ceased last month, there are a number of state and federal government ‘job creation’ incentives and subsidies available, for those businesses looking to staff up.

Job Maker – Hiring Credit

The JobMaker hiring credit is an incentive for employers to hire young job seekers, by providing support for the new employee’s wage costs.

Eligible employers can receive the payment for up to 12 months for every eligible employee they hire up until 6 October 2021.

The Hiring Credit amounts to $200 per week for new employees aged 16 – 29 and $100 for those aged 30 – 35.

This incentive is managed by the ATO and claims can be made via the ATO online channels or through your Tax or BAS Agent.

Follow the link for more details on the program.

Wage Subsidies 

The federal government has a number of wage subsidies available for employers hiring candidates who have been looking for work through an employment service. 

Restart – is for job seekers 50 yrs and over.  Employers can receive up to $10,000.

Youth Bonus – for job seekers 15 yrs – 24 yrs.  Employers can receive up to $10,000 or $6,500.

Youth – for job seekers 25 – 29 yrs.  Employers can receive up to $6,500 wage subsidy.

Parents – for job seekers any age.  Employers can receive up to $6,500.

Long Term Unemployed – Any age job seekers.  Employers can receive up to $6,500.

Indigenous Australian  Employers can receive up to $10,000. 

The employment must be at least 20 hrs per week for at least 6 months. 

These wage subsidies are administered through your company’s Jobsactive registration and it is necessary to work with an Employment Services provider who will assist make the payments over a 6 month period.

More information is available at either of the following;

Apprentice or Traineeship

Support for businesses to recruit Appprentices or Trainees via the Australian Apprenticeship has been available for a number of years and offers Up to $20,500 in financial support.

It does include the following ;

* Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program – of up to $10,500

* Boosting Apprenticeship Commencement –50%  of the New Apprentices gross wage of up to $7,000 per quarter, until 30 Sept 2021. 

* Supporting Apprentices and Trainees is a wage subsidy for small businesses.

Details on the different incentives available can be found at;

The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network can assist with finding and hiring apprentices and also gaining incentives.

* Trialing a Jobseeker – If you are considering a new hire, you can trial a jobseeker, and get up to $1,000 if they are 17 – 24 yrs, registered with an employment service for 6 months and you provide them with 30 – 50 hrs per fortnight for a 4 – 12 week trial.   In addition Youth Jobs PaTH gives the jobseeker the opportunity to gain experience and also they receive an additional $200 per fortnight payment on top of their income support.   Local jobsactive provider can assist.

For more details see ;

State Government

State Governments are also offering incentives to help boost job creation for those most impacted in their state…


Jobs Victoria Fund –  has been established to assist employers staff up their business and offers up to $20,000 in subsidies.  It is designed to support those most heavily impacted by the pandemic and to be eligible must hire employees for 12 months from  priority groups.

There are 11 priority groups include Women over 45, Indigenous People, veterans, people over 45, young people under 25, new migrants and refugees, and depending on into which of the priority groups your employees fit, and if it is full time or part time work, different subsidies apply.

To apply for the subsidy the company must have already employed the individual.   

Check out the link for all the details.

Western Australia

WA continues to experience a shortage of skilled workers. 

In addition to the existing $8,500 Job and Skills WA Employer Incentives for Apprentices, the State government is also offering an up to $6,000 one off payment for an Apprenticeship and Trainee Reengagement Incentive.   

This Reengagement Incentive is focused on the Apprentices and Trainees whose training contracts were cancelled owing to COVID19 factors. 

Check out the link for further information.


The QLD government has a range of ‘back to work’ incentives which provide up to $20,000 to employers who employ long-term unemployed job seekers, youth job seekers and apprentices in regional areas.

For details check the link;

In addition there are also a number of incentives and subsidies available for employers.

For details check;

South Australia

South Australia is offering 12 months payroll tax exemptions for any new apprentices and trainees employed until 30 June 2021. 

Check the details;

Northern Territory

JobMaker Booster –  The Northern Territory government is providing a booster payment of either $100 or $200 for eligible small businesses that are already in the Federal JobMaker scheme.

NT government has a range of existing incentives to improve employment options for Territorians.

Check the link for details;

With both Commonwealth and State Government incentives and subsidies available, it is well worth considering all the available funding options in line with your current and future staffing strategies to help get the right people in your business.